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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text uses 1.15 line spacing; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines in Jurnal Pertanahan :

  1. The manuscript can be submitted in Bahasa Indonesia or English. The manuscript should be written in Ms. Word, A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) page size, Arial font type, 10pt font size, 1.15 line spacing. Top, bottom, and right margins are 2 cm, and left margin is 2.5 cm.

  2. The manuscript consists of maximum 20 pages, including attachment.

  3. Title, authors, abstract, and keywords:
    a. The title consists of maximum 15 words, written in two languages (Indonesia and English), using capital letters, bold text, and center alignment.
    b. Authors’ full names (without academic degree), one of authors’ addresses (affiliation/institution and its address), and author’s e-mail address. If the author is more than one person, then the inclusion of one address is considered sufficient to represent the addresses of other authors.
    c. Abstract and Keywords
    Abstract and keywords should be written in two languages with maximum 250 words. Keywords consist of 3 – 5 words.
  1. Writing systematic, consists of:

  2. Section levels:
    a. Consist of maximum 4 section levels;
    b. First level section should be written bold with latin numbers.
    For example : I. INTRODUCTION
    c. Second level section should be written bold with capital at first letter.
    For example : A. Background
    d. Third level section should be written with arabic number and followed by close bracket.
    For example : 1) ……
    e. Fourth level section should be written with lowercase alphabet and followed by close bracket.
    For example : a) ……

  3. Supporting items:
    a. Table
    1) Table title should be shown above the table, left alignment, Arial font type, and 10pt font size;
    2) “Table” and “Number” should be written bold. Table title should be written normal.
    3) Table title should be numbered with arabic number (1, 2, 3, etc);
    4) Table should be shown with left alignment;
    5) Table contents should be written in Arial font type and 8-10pt font size (adjusted to the needs), with 1.0 line spacing;
    6) The source of table content should be attached below the table, with left alignment, Arial font type, and 10pt font size.

    b. Figure, Chart, or Diagram
    1) Figure, chart, or diagram is attached in .jpg format;
    2) Figure, chart, or diagram should be written in left alignment;
    3) The title of figure, chart, or diagram should be written below the illustration, center alignment, Arial font type, and 10pt font size;
    4) The word “Figure” and “Number” should be written bold. The title of Figure, Chart, or Diagram should be written normal;
    5) The number of figure, chart, or diagram uses arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.);
    6) The Source should be placed below figure, chart, or diagram in left alignment, Arial font type, and 10pt font size;

  4. Citation and reference:
    a. American Psichological Assosiation (APA) Style should be used for citation in text and reference;
    b. There should be minimum 20 references in a manuscript;
    c. The reference should be sorted by alphabet;
    d. Wikipedia, personal blog, non-scientific electronic data source are not allowed to be reference;
    e. Reference refers to a maximum of the last 5 (five) years.

Guidelines and example for citation :

  1. Book (one to five authors)

Forouzan, B.A., & Fegan, S.C. (2007). Data Communications And Networking (4th ed.). NewYork: McGraw-Hill.

  1. Book with 6 or more authors

Yang, K.L. et al. (2009). The real customers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

  1. Book (without author)

Merriam‐Webster’s Dictionary (12th  ed). (2007). Springfield, MA: Merriam‐ Webster.

  1. Books written on behalf of the institution

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. (2009). Standar Kompetensi Jabatan Fungsional Peneliti. Jakarta: LIPI

  1. Translation books

Luria, A. R. (1969). The mind of a mnemonist (L. Solotaroff, Trans.). New York: Avon Books. (Original work published 1965)

  1. Books with multiple volumes

Wilson, J. G., & Fraser, F. (Eds.). (1988-1990). Handbook of wizards (Vols. 1-4). New York: Plenum Press.

  1. Journal

Tseng, Y.C., Kuo, S.P., Lee, H.W., & Huang, C.F. (2004). Location tracking in a wireless sensor network by mobile agents and its data fusion strategies. The Computer Journal, 47(4), 448–460.

Pitanatri, Putu Diah Sastri. (2016). Inovasi dalam kompetisi: Usaha kuliner lokal menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif di ubud. Jurnal Master Pariwisata,3(1), 1-14.

  1. Skripsi/Thesis/Disertasi

Caravaggio, Q. T. (1992). Trance and clay therapy. Unpublished master’s thesis, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.

Arbor, C.F. (1995). Early intervention strategies for adolescents. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

  1. Proceeding (For one manuscript in proceeding)

Fang, Q., Zhao, F., & Guibas, L. (2003). Lightweight sensing and communication protocols for target enumeration and aggregation. In M. Gerla, A. Ephremides, & M. Srivastava (Eds.), MobiHoc ’03 fourth ACM symposium on mobile ad hoc networking and computing (pp. 165–176). New York, NY: ACM Press.

  1. Dictionary

Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.

  1. Online book (Author, institution, etc.)

Biro Pusat Statistik. (2013). Statistik Indonesia 2010. Jakarta, DKI: Penulis. Diakses dari

  1. Online journal

Kim, C., Mirusmonov, M., Lee, I. (2010). An   empirical   examination   of factors influencing the intention to use mobile payment. Computers in Human  Behavior,  26,  310‐322. Doi:10.1016/j.chb.2009.10.013.

Dengan URL : Penulis.  (Tahun).  Judul  Artikel.  Nama Jurnal. Volume. Halaman. Diakses dari URL.

  1. Online newspaper

Hakim, C.. (2016, Juni 16). Kode Morse THR. Kompas Online. Diakses dari

  1. Online thesis and dissertation

Young, R.F. (2007). Crossing boundaries in urban ecology(doctoral dissertation). Tersedia dari Proquest Dissertation & Theses Database. (UMI No. 327681).

  1. Online Encyclopedia

Digital Divide. (2013). Dalam Encyclopedia Britannica. Diakses 6 Mei 2013, dari

  1. Internet reference

Prince, M., Vigeant, M. & Nottis, M. Inquiry-based activities can help overcome undergraduate engineering students’ misconceptions. Diperolehi pada 20 Jan 2010 dari pada

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